Friday, September 14, 2007

What's this all about?

I turned sixty yesterday and decided to give myself a blog for my birthday. I've been thinking about this for a while and today is the day to do it.

I'm going to promote my businesses and basically just be myself. I'm a fairly simple, straight forward kind of guy and I say what is on my mind. I always try to be civil and believe you can disagree without being disagreeable. I welcome comments from anyone who plays by the same ground rules. I have lots of interests although I spend most of my day managing my stock portfolio.

My mouse trap business, is the next biggest item on my agenda. My ISS (It's So Simple) mouse trap was for sale on Amazon but their fees were more than could be justified. I don't mean to brag, but this trap is pretty darn good and I don't understand why anyone who has mice and rats that they want to get rid of doesn't try it. I've got the best guarantee ever (with the return of the product and a statement saying why you are returning it, I will refund all your money, including return postage) and you know I wouldn't be doing that if people were returning them.

I need to get on to other things right now. Thanks for visiting.

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