A little snow on the peaks last night; about six antelope getting water. Water at 3' 7" at 4:30 pm
a closer up of the antelope on 9-30-2007
9-29-2007 Rain from about midnight last night and all day today. No animals. Started water in pond again at 10:00 A.M. about 2' 10.5 inches up about three inches by 3:30 pm. Rain quit about 3:30 pm.
9-28-2007 Windy today, mild in the 70s. No animals and no water level check.
9-27-2007 Blue skies and mild temps. A great place to be. Couple of early fawns and a fox as well as the ten doe (one big buck) herd of antelope came by. Water in pond at 2' 11".
9-26-2007 One lone buck antelope and a fox came by today
9-25-2007 Beautiful day. One lone buck antelope came in to drink. Pond appears to still be going down about 1/2 inch. Don't see the leak.
9-24-2007 Clouds low, normal fall day. No Pond visitors that I saw. Water I think at its low point. Still might have a leak. Water at 3' level.
9-23-2007. Rain most of the day. Didn't see anything at the pond except for antelope tracks.
9-22-2007 Starting this late in the month, but will do my best to post a picture from the same vantage point every day (looking East out our living room window toward the pond with Ross Peak, Bridger Range, in the background). This will serve several purposes: I will have a snapshot of the day's weather, of course here in Montana if you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. I will use it to monitor water level in my pond (this is another story and will deserve a post in the future) and I will use the post to document visitors we see getting a drink. I'm sure I will think of some more good reasons.
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